So after not updating for a couple of weeks due to school work I decided that there's a need for change. The new blog will be shorter but more direct. I'll just list of the changes and why.
1.) Four star system instead 10/10: With the star system I can be more direct and tougher on certain films. I use to give a 6/10 for a average movie. I think I was thinking it was like a test and below a 6 would be failing. 6/10 in most people book is actually good but for some reason i saw it as watchable. The star system is easy and I think will make for more interesting ratings.
****/**** (four out four stars)
Masterpiece, classic, you know the drill.
***1/2 (three and a half out four stars)
Fantastic, brilliant , really great, must see
*** (three out of four stars)
very good, pretty great, watch it
**1/2 ( two and a half stars out of four)
Decent, pretty good, A good watch but you can probably see something better
** (two out of four stars)
Average, fair, not very good but not bad either. More cons than pros, wait for the dvd
*1/2 (one and a half sour of four stars)
Really mediocre, pretty bad but there is worse, watching is not required
* (one out of four stars)
1/2 (half a star)
Truly awful
I don't think I'll get a zero out four stars but know that will be one of the worst movies in history.
2.) Only recent films with exceptions: Doing every movie I've seen is tiring. I've actually spent hours in a day dedicated to the blog. Doing only recent movies seems more appropriate and will get more readers. However I'll do older films as well if I feel they deserve them. I'll write "Revisited" next to it in the title so you know it was not released this year.
3.) No more recommendation: Actually I was split on this, I'll keep it out for now but I may add it in later
4.) Won't post on Facebook every week, I'll do it probably once a month
So let's get back into things