Friday, December 23, 2011

Weekend (*** out of ****)

Film is largely about identification. We look at the silver screen to see a story that can be affectionally understood. It doesn't mean all the time that the story is relatable. However being able to step into the shoes of those on and behind the camera is the goal. Feeling the struggle, emotions, heartbreak, and excitement is easy in Weekend.

Russell (Tom Cullen) leaves a house party with his straight friends to go to a gay night club. He wakes up in the morning with Glen (Chris New). What might have been a one night stand turns into a story where the two spend the weekend together and fall in love by the end. Being a film about two gay men doesn't mean its not easy to relate to the leads. It's strongly written, well acted and actually has a point for being a film that seems bland on the surface. It is subtle and delicate in the way Russell warms up to Glen. Sometimes love means stepping out of your comfort and just going for it.

*** out of ****

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