With a film containing actors such as Robert Pattinson, Reece Witherspoon and Chrisoph Waltz, it's funny that the elephant Rosie steals the show. She has more heart and fun then the entire cast really. Not that this is a bad film. Just one that seems forced and disinterested some times. Jacob (Robert Pattinson) due to some life changing circumstances stowaway's on a train. The train belongs to a traveling circus that he soon joins due to his veterinary experience. Jacob sees Marlena (Reece Witherspoon), the show's main attraction one night and they begin to make cute. She is married to the ringleader (Christoph Waltz with some glamor) who you know will turn out to have a nasty side. The film has a nice eye for it's depression era sets and costumes, some nice acting, and a moving soundtrack. However at times the emotion seems quite forced. That pleasant soundtrack is part of it's downfall. The audience is tricked into believing some scenes are moving due to a piano score but is that because of the images or the music accompanying them? Is that a bad thing in the end though? I mean it all adds to a finished product.
Water For Elephants is a fine film but not one that will stick with you. Even the time watching it makes you think that you'll soon leave to perhaps see something better. I sound quite negative here when I shouldn't be. I did like the movie and if given the chance I think it is worth the watch. Take that part away from this review.
**1/2 out of ****
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