As predictability goes this film has it all. You could have told me the plot in say a single long sentence and I'm sure I could tell you near the exact way the story would unfold. I guessed near where every scene would head to confirm what I thought beforehand. However some stories have basic structures that work. Earlier this year I said
Win Win followed a predictable pattern but work wonders within its field.
Restless does near the same thing but just slightly down on the whole scale of things. Enoch (Henry Hooper) crashes funeral (I've heard this story before) for various reasons. What he is really at heart is a bit different. He meets Annabelle (Mia Wasikowska) who is unique and cute. She is dying of cancer and has three months left. They decide to date for her remaining time. Looking through their eyes is the best way to watch the film. Their joy ever present and love flourishing. However it still doesn't mean that the story is anything great. I enjoyed most of it for what it is worth.
**1/2 out of ****
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