The biggest strength of
Margin Call comes from its cast. It features Zachary Quinto, Paul Bettany, Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci, Demi Moore, Penn Badgley, Simon Baker and Jeremy Irons. All are capable to achieve greatness and when put together create a unforgettable product. As actors they make the dialogue the script presents all it could be. J.C Chandor as a first time writer and director has done very well with the material. However his words are so heavy that they may have come off as algebra on screen. Yet the actors pull of this dialogue to give it a thrilling pace. In fact the way every scene is created seems like a dialogue heavy thriller rather than a film about wall street yuppies. It it great work by everyone involved.
Quinto's character has uncovered something big that may mean the end of their company. It's the story of banking crisis and the collapse of wall street that we all know. However now the audience is given a first hand a first hand look at the stress involved. For the type of film it is, its made exceptionally well.
Margin Call is confident and bold in its ideas and has the material to back it up.
*** out of ****
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