Monday, October 10, 2011

The Ides of March (9/10)

Politics is a dirty game. We all know this but seeing it played out before us is something else. There is so much speculation and crazy theories that people have about government officials that most deserve to be laughed at. However there are some stories that have something to go off of. "The Social Network" said something along the lines that 85% of court cases are based on emotions. The other 15% are true because devils do need creation myths. So that's our dirty side of politics. What I lkie even better is the way campaigns are won. One party (in this case the Republicans) will vote in a open election against the best candidate the democrats have during primaries. This way the weaker candidate is the democratic party option. Let the other party fight each other and beat the weakened winner. "The Ides of March" is a fantastic political drama with a lot going for it.

Mike Morris (George Clooney in a strong supporting role) is a gift from God for the democratic party. He's young, experienced and knows how to draw a crowd. Picture him as Obama because the connections are there. If he wins the Ohio primary he'll no doubt be the democratic pick for the upcoming presidential election. The republicans don't have a guy that can beat Morris. They do have a guy that can beat the other democratic option of Pullman (never shown on screen). Voters will not want him in office even more than actually having Morris run the country. Stephen Meyer (Ryan Gosling) works for Paul (Philip Seymour Hoffman) who is the campaign manager. Stephen believes in Mike and the messages the man spouts off like gospel sermons. Mike himself seems to believe in telling people more what they want to hear but not caring for the ideas personally. Pullman's manager Duffy (Paul Giamatti) wants Stephen on his side because of idealistic the kid is and his bright future. Well even talking with Duffy will cause Stephen problems. That and well the sexy intern (Evan Rachel Wood).

"The Ides of March" is a great political drama but that's really it. Some have said they have noticed the story is more focused on showing Stephen losing his soul to politics but it's minimal at best. The ending helps that message though. I see it as more of a twist on the man with nothing lose angle. Stephen will do whatever it takes to remain in power. "The Ides of March" is worth watching. It's not the Oscar cleaning film I hoped it would be earlier this year, but it's till quite strong. Clooney as a director is really growing into his own. Instead of focusing the details on his performance as some directors would, Clooney wants the story to be first. "Good Night and Good Luck" is still his masterpiece and trust me when I say it is a masterpiece. "The Ides of March" is worthy film to add to his list in the end.

Recommendation: Rent it when it comes out for sure.

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