Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Confessions of A Dangerous Mind (7/10)

So here is my fourth Sam Rockwell film in a short time, trying to finish off his best work. This was his big breakthrough that made him into a respectable actor rather than a supporting guy that finds roles anybody could play. He works to his strengths here but never reaches his prime. The film follows Chuck Barris, a famous TV creator (The Dating Show, Newlyweds and The Gong Show being the most famous). What some may not have known is that he once claimed he was a CIA assassin that killed 33 people for the agency. I remember reading this years ago and thought it was bizarre and strange but still interesting. The CIA claims he never did any work for him and Chuck would later agree with this but never say he was lying. Chuck is an interesting man or his assassination theory is at least. Otherwise he's just a TV producer trying to make things work with his girlfriend Penny (Drew Barrymore). I'd rather just watch this movie believing that he thinks it's true over him just "trying to make a point". George Clooney directorial debut is quite something. It's like a test of coolness. He uses different filters and odd camera angles to make something unique. It works but it's not all great. Either way this is a interesting film that has some problems.

Recommendation: The style of film making is really intoxicating but unless it's on TV you can pass it by. If it's on I say make the time though.

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