Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bridesmaids (9.5/10)

It seems there's a double standard for women in comedies today. They can't do the gross out roles and make filthy jokes. The men in comedy are suppose to be the ones taking care of that while the women look pretty and more than likely do a topless scene. "Bridesmaids" takes that double standard and gives it big middle finger. "Bridesmaids" is just as funny if not funnier then most over the top comedies now a days. Hell it's the best comedy of the year ("Cedar Rapids" is close though). It's hilarious and will and have you roll over laughing. This is not a chick flick, it's a comedy about fun, strong, and interesting women doing wonders on screen. While I'm sure most women will get more out of it from it then I did, it didn't stop me from loving this awesome movie.

Annie (comedy genius Kristen Wiig) is perhaps one of the greatest characters in a comedy ever. She's a awkward, loyal, fun, pretty and just an awesome girl. She sleeps regularly with Ted (a small yet hilarious role for Jon Hamm) who she wants a relationship with. He cares about the sex and isn't use to be told he's wrong. "I really want you to leave but I don't want to say it and sound like a dick". He's only charming because people don't say no to him. Annie lives with two british twins, had a bakery that closed and just blames the world for her problems. She doesn't want to admit she is responsible for her mistakes because she put herself there. Annie's best friend Lillian (the always welcomed Maya Rudolph) is getting married and the film follows the two and other bridesmaids as the get ready for the wedding. The other bridesmaids are a blast. There is family tired Rita (Wendi Mclendon-Covey) who because of her sons can "snap a blanket in half" (HAHAHA). Becca (Ellie Kemper) is a sweet girl who is innocent (until you get some booze inter her). My favorite is Megan (show-stealing Melissa McCarthy) the plus size ton of fun party maniac. She's a nonstop laugh riot including having a story about a dolphin and an idea for a "Fight Club" style party that had me laughing for minutes after they were told. If they ever made a movie with her and John C. Reilly from "Cedar Rapids" I'll die from laughter.  Lastly there is Helen (the lovely Rose Byrne) who is kind of like Ted. She's just had control over her entire life so she thinks there's nothing wrong with a little pride. Although Helen isn't a bad person like Ted is, she kills with kindness most the time. The six will have awesome laugh filled scenes from start to finish. There is also nice guy Irish cop Nathan (perfectly casted Chris O'Dowd) who's sweet on Annie. The scenes they share are nice and never seem like forced romantic pairing.

"Bridesmaids" is terrific film and one of the best of the year. Some critics argued that seeing the women getting food poisoning during dress fitting was too much. The arguments said they didn't like seeing women do gross out things like throwing up and taking a dump where ever possible. I cannot disagree more. This is so much funnier because it's so fresh. A guy farting may get you a smile but a woman making a noise and then saying "I'm not even confident which end that came out of" is hilarious. It's new stuff and I love a comedy that does something I haven't seen before. So seeing these women doing jokes I've never seen done made this movie beyond awesome (the jokes are still funny regardless of if there new or not). The girls can definitely hang with the guys at the party (I've seen first hand lol). Paul Feig and Kristen Wiig work miracles with the film. Wiig and her friends wrote a balls to the wall funny script that I hope gets some recognition during award season ("Mean Girls" did well there, so can this). Paul Feig was the producer behind the cult TV show and a personal favorite of mine, Freaks and Geeks. Feig knows perfectly how to mix comedy and drama, seeing he hasn't lost his touch is great. Guys shouldn't look at this give it the cold shoulder because it is truly epic. Kristen Wiig is one of the funniest people out there today. "Bridesmaids" is going to make itself into comedy history as a pure classic.

Recommendation: The best comedy of the year (so far), so why shouldn't you see it?

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