Friday, July 29, 2011

The Yellow Handkerchief (6/10)

A premise better than the actual movie, a shame. It's really that the idea behind the movie never lives up to it's potential. The movie is about three lonely and lost souls that have a road trip of sorts in the south. William Hurt plays a convict recently released. He's trying to be a good man but has an anger in him that gets him into trouble. Eddie Redmayne is a simple boy that speaks his mind, almost a child in a young man's body. Kirsten Stewart is use to having people walk all over her and leave her abandoned when they're done with her. The three travel Louisiana as William Hurt tries to get back to his ex-wife played by Mario Bello. It raises some interesting questions but the movie never dives into it's true nature. Eddie tells a story that he fell of a roof one day and just let people think it was a suicide attempt and William describes his alienation from his wife because he knows he'll hurt her worse if they stay together. These ideas give some insight into some deep characters but I felt it held back or going a simple route. It's a good movie, but it could have been better.

Recommendation:  A thinking kind of movie, but not one you need to rush out for unless you like the actors. They all do a great job.

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