Monday, July 18, 2011

Monsters (9.5/10) Revisited

"Monsters" is the unsung sci-fi masterpiece of 2010. It's one of the best movies in the genre in not only years but in it's entire history. The film is unbelievably smart, well crafted, has a deep connection and has great production value. So many monster/alien/horror movies don't build up suspense. Half the time you see a person die from the bad guy in the introduction. "Monsters" wisely doesn't show you the creature right away. This way the audience is always dying to finally see one (it will happen and it's glorious). "Monsters" and "Never Let Me Go" were my favorite sci-fi movies of last year ("Inception" is in 3rd place but still in another league) and rightfully so.

Six years ago a probe is launched to scan space for life. It returns but crash lands in Central America. New life emerges from the probe and spreads. The militaries there cannot beat the creatures and a quarantine zone is established. A journalist Andrew (Scoot McNairy) who is reporting on the event in now the present is charged with a task. His head editor wants Andrew to find the editor's daughter and bring her home. Finding her is easy, but getting her home is another story. We see the two begin an odyssey to get home in the fashion of "Before Sunrise" and "District 9". Andrew and the editor's daughter Samantha (Whitney Able) talk about the situation and have a believable chemistry. We also see the events the quarantine and aliens have on the locals and the life they've established. The film deals with such great themes such as fear of the unknown, political isolation and my favorite doomed love.

"Monster" was filmed with roughly $500,000. That is a miracle! "Avatar" was 600x the budget and while that movie is visually dazzling, "Monsters" still shines bright. It shows that a well developed plot can really make a film magnificent. You won't see the creatures right away, only glimpses, but that's how it should be. The presence is always there, that one may be in the next scene and it's played out very well. The finale is a wonder. One of the most memorable I saw all last year. The idea of what a monster is questioned and you'll be given the task of coming up with your own answer. Garenth Edwards in his big screen debut makes him a name to watch out for. Acted to perfection with only the two leads being professional. The others and all the extras are just locals and it creates a great natural feel to it. "Monsters" is one to remember.

Recommendation: It's a love it or hate it movie. Fans of true sci-fi (a world of the unknown) will be one the loving side. Those looking for a alien slasher movie stay away!

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