Sunday, September 18, 2011

Contagion (7.5/10)

If this rating seems low because of my recent trend of eights it's not. Imagine this as 3/4 stars. "Contagion" is fantastically made, one of the years best in that affect. That's really it though. The story while making sense never sucks you in and before you know it, the movies over. You'll leave, wash your hands better for three days or so and let the movie slip from your memory. It's a shame because what it does well is ingenious.

"Contagion" is the story of a virus. The illness appears seemingly from nowhere. In a few days you'll die (well 1/4 of the time). The film opens on a rather sickly looking Gwyneth Paltrow eating from a bowl of airport peanuts. Everything she touches and soon late carries touch is treated with a longing eye. The camera focuses on it or at least the human eye will. It's a terrifying thought that you may die from just touching a door handle. Soon a global pandemic begins and chaos happens in a controlled sense. Doctors and scientists race for a cure. Specialists look for where the virus came from. a blogger (Jude Law) looks to blame the government and thinks they are responsible. Then regular citizens try to deal with something they aren't prepared for. There is a impressive cast here that if I mentioned every name here I know, It'd be a while. So let's just say Matt Damon, Marion Cotillard, Kate Winslet, Laurence Fishburne, John Hawkes and Bryan Cranston also play roles in this massive scale movie. That's part of the film's strength, it does really feel like a global pandemic. What sucks is that you'll leave rather unaffected (despite a stellar finale). The characters aren't well measured enough to get you truly to care other than the fact you've seen them in other movies. No connection and fantastic production values make this a very good, but not fantastic film.

Recommendation: I'd say wait for the DVD, but when you can watch it do so because it is quite something still.

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