Monday, June 27, 2011

Space Battleship Yamato (6.5/10)

So I watched this because A.) it's based off an anime I've heard of with a strong fan base B.)  it's Sci-Fi C.) I wanted to watch something different.

Either way the film has pattern you can pick out pretty easily. It's fight, something emotional, fight, something emotional and just keep going until the 2:18 running time is over. The fights can be pretty cool (the final battle kicks ass) and some of the emotional stuff works well. It does get a bit repetitive though.

So in the future the Gamilons (the humans came up with that name, the aliens even think it's dumb) start attacking Earth. They're smart and better equipped and make quick work of the Earth's space navy (all Japanese, but that's another argument). The aliens bombard Earth with meteors and the surface becomes contaminated with radiation, humanity is forced to flee underground. A message from a distant planet arrives saying the have a way to get rid off the radiation. So launch the Yamato, the last and most powerful human space ship to get it and bring it back.

The film follows Kodai, an ex-ace navy pilot and his return to help the Yamato. Kodai has problems but you just know he'll patch things up by the end. He blames Captain Okita for his brother's death, but later respects him. Mori, a female pilot calls him a coward for leaving the force, you know they'll fall in love.
Anyway the film does do great things with the "what will you sacrifice?" thing. The final battle is very awesome and the ending is actually quite good. Too bad 3 great scenes can't make up for the eternity of average ones. I'd prefer a dark and hard hitting journey into the unknown thing, not a "take out their engines, Barrel roll away from the missiles, They're flanking us," stuff.

Recommendation: It's ok. It has alot going for it at points but drags too much. So I say watch it only if it's in front of you (I saw it on a plane, that seems appropriate)

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