Saturday, May 28, 2011

Green Hornet (7/10)

It's a pretty standard movie. Nothing bad nor great. I enjoyed parts but wasn't thrilled. I could end this here, but that seems rude. It does have things worth talking about.

Britt Reidd (Seth Rogen), awful name but that's not important, what is important is that he is a child at heart who's father dies. His dad was a newspaper tycoon (love using the word "tycoon") who always said Britt was doing nothing with his life. He pummeled Britt's heroism dreams as a kid and is "kind of a dick". So Britt along with handy man Kato (Jay Chou) look to take on crime to show what they are made of. However let's throw in a hook to spice things up. The Green Hornet (as he'll be known) and his masked accomplice will pose as bad guys to avoid all the bad things you see happen to heros (think "Dark Knight"). To be honest you won't see much of that. You'll see them run from cops and make vague comments, but never live up to their promise.

Michel Gondry directed this, I'm glad he did. I feared his style might of been blocked out like Kenneth Branagh with "Thor. They're scenes of bizarre and surreal nature that are puzzling at first. Go with it, it's really fun if you lose yourself in Gondry's mind. The movie has some outrageous moments, and the final fight takes it to a new level. I personally loved it, it's tense and action packed. Those 15 minutes or so make this film worth it. It's not a great movie, but I don't think it's bad in any sense. Seth Rogen may be  boring with playing himself, but Christoph Waltz makes up for it. Just go for it if you have the chance.

Recommendation: Pretty descent and over the top. I wouldn't say rush out for it but it's still enjoyable and worth seeing.

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