Saturday, April 16, 2011

Milk (9.5/10) Revisited

Harvey Milk was more than just an inspirational man, he's borderline a saint. He fought for the rights of homosexuals in America when there were none. Even worse is that it was in a time where some feared mere contact with homosexuals may contaminate them. Milk was to the gay community as Martin Luther King JR was to the African American. Both fought for the rights of their people and believed all are created equal (cough* they are cough*). Milk fought for more than just homosexual rights at the time, but wanted all people in america to be the same, it was just he fought to what was closest to the heart.

"Milk" is one hell of a biopic, it's one of the best of all time really. Harvey Milk said when he turned 40 that he hadn't done a thing he was proud of. He would move to San Francisco with his lover Scott Smith (the always great james Franco) and would find himself in a life of politics. This was brought on by being fed up with the system and how people viewed their lifestyle. Milk would try several times to run for office, but failed many times as well. Each time he was a little closer and this fueled the fire in him. Milk would continue to fight for gay rights almost as an appointed knight to the cause.

Sean Penn plays Harvey Milk with radiant perfection. It's hard to see where the character ends and Penn begins. Penn is a pretty strange guy in really life, he's a big mouth badass. However his portrayal as Milk is so sweet and sincere I'd say Penn is like that all the time. It was the role he was born to play. Everyone in the film acts their hearts out. Emile Hirsch, Josh Brolin, Alison Pill all excel. Diego Luna... not to sure about him, something about him annoyed me. I didn't know if was him or the character, but something wans't right. However it's far from something to ruin this film.

"Milk"is a true work of art. It's style of filmmaking is so intoxicating. It edits in real life footage, film that looks like it could from then and just pure film. It get's the crowd involved as it works with the heart strings. It plays to your emotions and intellect. Gus Van Sant's first big (not pure indie wise) film since "Good Will Hunting" may just be his best, I'll let you decide cause I still am. It's more than just a movie, it's a life changer.

Recommendation: I'd like to think this is one of those movies to change your life.

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