Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Good, The Bad, And The Average Of Mark Wahlberg

Marky Mark is a great actor... when he want's to be. Some times it's his fault, or maybe it's just something beyond his control. I always look forward to all his movies, but some more than others (some are very low on my "must see" list). Other times he achieves pure averageness. He'll fit his role but you'll never say "wow... Marky Mark is a great actor". Then with the right material he shines and shows he's one to reckon with. So here is 3 for each category with one honorable mention. This is pure performance wise, nothing about the actual movie.

The Bad
Honorable Mention: "The Other Guys"
He's not that bad. However Will Ferrell steals every scene from him. Then some times you just be wondering why Marky Mark is doing what he is. It's a funny movie, Wahlberg has some laughs, but he should stick to smaller comedic roles (think "Date Night").

3.) "The Lovely Bones"
I enjoyed this movie... I did not enjoy Mark Wahlberg's performance. He looked lost, and the material didn't work well with him. The scene where he runs through the cornfield with a bat is laughably bad for something so dramatic. Ryan Gosling dropped out cause he said he was too young to be playing this character, I would have just kept him cause Gosling is always descent to fantastic.

2.) "Max Payne
I remember reading Wahlberg was really proud of his performance in this movie. He should think about that more carefully. I laughed more then anything, it' just was unarguably bad. Watch when Marky Mark rushes into a office shooting, I'd swear he was drunk doing it. Not good Martin Sheen "Apocalypse Now" drunk... more Mel Gibson on a constant basis drunk.

1.) "The Happening"
Just watch it and you'll agree me. It's really everyone involved faults. This movie is just terrible and Wahlberg makes it worse.

The Average
Honorable Mention: "The Basketball Diaries"
Maybe it was that his character was bad or Dicaprio out acting him. He's really just there and forgettable.

I'm not even going to say anything cause it's all the same. Hell the order is interchangeable. Just know is that he does all that was required. Nothing more and nothing less.

3.) "Four Brothers"
2.) "Shooter"
1.) "The Italian Job"

The Good
Honorable mention: "The Fighter"
Mark Wahlberg was the heart and soul of "The Fighter" and does a great job. His character is a bit lacking and his supporting cast was better but know he is no way unforgettable here.

3.)"I Heart Huckabees"
If you want to see a mix of Mark Wahlberg and Falcone then here it is. It's such a departure from his normal roles that it's a delight. He pulls it off with great work.

2.)"The Departed"
His first oscar nomination is his most well known role. His line delivery is just impeccable and he dominates the screen when he's around (I still prefer Dicaprio and Nicholson)

1.)"Boogie Nights"
This is the performance Marky Mark should bring up to show he's boss. He shows such a turn in character that seeing him in "The Happening"looks like a different person. There's a scene where Wahlberg... actually as I was writing this I just have to include the clip. The change in facial expression is the best acting he's ever done and just first class all around. it's on level with with the great actors of all time.
It's 6:25-7:15... Just watch the entire scene though, it's one of the best scenes in film history...EVER!

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