Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (8/10)

Well this was a surprise. Early this year I thought this movie would suck. If I could go back in time I would tell myself your wrong to think that (after I do some other crazy time travel things). This is a thrilling ride that keeps up throughout. It's a great time at the movies. It's not a very deep movie and at times feels a bit standard, but it works very well with what it has. This is the surprise good movie of the summer.

Will (James Franco) is a researcher who uses apes in testing cures for many diseases. A new serum he is working on may be the cure for Alzheimer's. Will's father (John Lithgow) suffers from the illness. So here's the best part of this movie. This film has a heart. It actually takes time to build plot and character so the finale is all the more thrilling. Will takes home a baby ape in a gesture of sympathy  one day but keeps him because the ape had the serum infused with him genetically. The ape is Cesar and he is the soul behind the movie. Well the years pass by and and Cesar grows up and the serum seems to work. I don't want to ruin too much but Cesar will rile many other primates in a attempt to be free of humans. This is of course after some harsh treatment from the Landon family (Brian Cox and Tom Felton). The film's climax is a blast and I think there's a shot involving Cesar and a horse that has iconic written all over it. Cesar was made possible by actor Andy Serkis wearing a CGI suit. He's the actor that also did all the motion capture for King Kong as well as bringing Gollum to life. The academy says his work is computers and not him acting. That's pretty harsh because he puts his all into each performance. He may not win an Oscar but give him an honorary one because he's the driving force behind all his movies. Anyway this was a great film, not a masterpiece. Don't let that ruin this awesome time however.

Recommendation: I'd suggest it if your going to the movies. Very well done all around.

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