Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mr. Nobody (10/10)

This film came in a very convenient time in my life. It seemed like things in the universe just lined up and my recent sting of thoughts lead me to this. "Mr. Nobody" is not so much a movie as it is a life. It leaves an impression of a life as "The Tree Of Life" did. This is a mesmerizing film that can just make you stop and think. I've always preferred movies that touch you on a deeper level and this is definitely one of them. I'd be very surprised if you've heard of this film before hand though. This movie went around the festivals to get a dvd release date that I was not aware of even though I followed the film for two years. It's a indie film that cost about $58 million dollars to make. I believe it but after watching it but that's the most ridiculous budget I've ever heard. There is no way this movie would have made it's money back. "The Hurt Locker" won best picture at the Oscars and still has made only about $50 million. Anyway just know this is a brilliant movie to absorb you in.

The film is about the life(s) of Nemo Nobody (A great Jared Leto with other child actors) as he tells the story of his youth. His present is in the year 2092 and he is the last mortal alive. It's a new futuristic society where humans have "cured" death. The world is focused on him in his final days as they try to make sense of his life. Nemo believes he is 34 years old and in 2009 but a doctor (Allan Corduner) and a young journalist (Daniel Mays nailing it) try to figure his true life. As a child Nemo was given the choice of staying with his father (Rhys Ifans) or going with his mother (Natasha Little) after their divorce. Faced with an impossible decision the Nemo of the future tells the two examining him a variety of situations that his life may have been. He believes as long you don't choose everything remains possible. It's a feeling that is so true. How many times have you wondered if your life could have been different based on a simple choice? Maybe you've thought about a decision and later regretted how it turned out. Nemo is  a man who's soul above all else can touch you.

Nemo sees his life revolving around three different women. There is Anna (Juno Temple and later Diane Kruger), the girl that is also of the daughter of the man that broke up their parents marriage. Nemo and Anna fall in love as children and live a life of pure emotion. It is however only as adults meeting by chance do they get the life they want. In another life Nemo meets Elise (Claire Stone and later Sarah Polley) and shyly falls for her. There is a brilliant sequence that asks if love is chemical and that only this person activates the reactions in your body. Lastly there is Jean (Audrey Giacomini and later Linh Dan Pham). He meets her by chance lives with her by choosing his future. Whatever life throws at him, he will succeed at this plan. Nemo lives a fantastic fantasy life that will suck you in. Lots of thought and feeling will make it a phenomenal experience. All these lives he's lived are right, but only one is true one.

"Mr. Nobody" is a very touching film that feels as if your watching a life rather than a movie. It's heartfelt and deeply thoughtful. This is a terrific film that is easy to get lost into the lost mind of Nemo Nobody.

Recommendation: You'll have to look for it but I highly recommend it if your looking for a deeper film.

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