Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Bourne Legacy (**1/2 out of ****)

Bourne is back... in photographs and name only. No The Bourne Legacy is a spinoff without too much connection to the Matt Damon series. It's plausible to think that the story might have been tweaked to a point where the film is completely separate of the Bourne universe without dropping in quality. However that doesn't let the production company to cash in on the Bourne franchise. The Bourne Legacy is well built and often engaging action thriller. The film can be gripping in the moment. "The problem is in getting the moments to add up".

Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner) much like Bourne is a genetically enhanced spy. The Bourne Legacy is ultimately the story of Aaron trying to get his pills. One green pill and one blue pill must be taken at certain times of the day so Aaron can keep his enhanced strength. Meanwhile in Washington DC Eric Byer (Edward Norton) is placed in charged of closing down the program that enhanced people like Aaron. This includes killing Aaron as well Marta Sharing (Rachel Weisz), a doctor who helped develop the medication participants of the program need to take. The two go on the run but it's never easy.

The Bourne Legacy is probably weakest "Bourne" film but still a fine movie. Not great but acceptable. Jeremy Renner is a worthy replacement for Matt Damon. The problem is the introduction of Aaron to the franchise is not nearly as strong as Jason Bourne's in the first film. The character of Marta is well done for the kind of thriller this film is. It's not meant to be simple. Thus Marta and Aaron have chemistry but it is not hugely romantic. Weisz makes the best of the character. Tony Gilroy has finally takes of the directing helm after writing the previous installments but it's not his best work. Gilroy is capable of making a smart and engaging film (Michael Clayton and Duplicity) but his actions scenes vary in quality. The Bourne Legacy is easier to follow during fights but that doesn't make it  better. Paul Greengrass made perhaps use of shaky camera fighting in the two previous installments. Gilroy's actions scenes are impressive but not as much as Greengreass' films. As for the actual scenes the best one is includes a scene of madness by a lab technician played by capable Zelijko Ivanek. Marta's home is also the center of a strong action. Filled with both human emotion and clean editing. The big chase in Manila is thrilling but runs a bit long (as does the entire film, many the analyses scenes could have been cut). The Bourne Legacy is has it's problems but also it's strengths, the good outweighs the bad here.

**1/2 out of ****

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