Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Chernobyl Diaries (*1/2 out of ****)

Slight spoilers here, not too much I swear.

So good looking and foolish American tourists get chased by monsters again. Never seen that before (exaggerated eye role). Instead of trying to be original in real any fashion The Chernobyl Diaries does every trick in the book and at most builds moderate suspense because your afraid the prettier of the actors/actresses will die first. So here we have four Americans, Two Norwegians and Uri the tour guide going just outside Chernobyl for "extreme tourism". I'll give credit to Uri (Dimitri Diatchenko) though, he's the film's highlight and quite entertaining. I only wish he had more screen time but that wouldn't give the tourists that clueless feeling. Of course the charters behave irrational and due things the audience knew to avoid in five scones. Of course the threat that lurks in Chernobyl aren't that interesting because their motives aren't too clue but just enough is made out to avoid a mystery (Mutants need food and don't like explaining themselves is my guess). There are some interesting filming techniques (switching to iPhone view) but the gimmick isn't very effective horror. It sure is an easy film to watch and better than crap like Paranormal Activity 3 or from what I hear of The Devil Inside. I decided not to let this one slide and I promise to do better in the future.  What you need to know is this film is probably not worth your time. There aren't any diaries!

*1/2 out of ****

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