There are movies and then there are callings. Those are the films that once you see you spend hours thinking about not just about the images and the thrills but the ideas presented. Theories float around the internet that through carful wording seem rather convincing.
Prometheus wasn't just a simple film that was created but an entire world was covered in the undertaking of this vehicle.
Prometheus despite it's flaws is a valiant attempt at bringing us a new world to explore.
I warn you I will be taking about spoilers,] I won't reveal specific themes but rather large plot information. Think of this as an analytical review rather than something to just get your interest (I absolutely think you should see it though).
Elizabeth Shaw played by Noomi Rapace is interesting not for just what she does but what she represents. Shaw is designed like Ellen Ripley and it a lot ways is similar (but not as great). Both can be driven to near impossible limits both through fear and what motivates them. Ripley in
Aliens (not Ridley Scott's film) did what no one else would (or possibly could) to help Newt and in this motherly role. Shaw is motivated by a burning desire to answer a question. Why does the creators want us dead? This drives her to unimaginable limits because to her the question is worth the risk.
The ship Prometheus is carrying 17 crew members to a far away moon. Here they hope to find mankind's origin. While in cryosleep David watches the ship. Michael Fassbender plays David in a show stealing performance. He's an android that resembles humans to create a sense of security. However David creates a presence that suggests hidden motives and desires. As man was created from the gods, Androids were made by humans, both looking for freedom. On the planet the crew finds evidence of proof the Engineers exist. Shaw and her boyfriend Holloway (Logan Marshall Green) suspect that these Engineers had a hand in the creation and advancement of man kind. On the ship there is also Vickers (Chalize Theron with another summer acting hit) who has her own agenda on this mission. Idris Elba, Guy Pearce and other round out a terrific cast However the answers they came to this moon for won't be found out easily.
The Engineers have developed an organic ooze that mutates the living cells to mutate the host. The plan on sending this to earth and destroying what they possibly created. So what did we do wrong? Do gods deserve to punish their children who may have developed to a point where they don't need them? How did the Engineers influence human life? These are the questions asked but none are answered. The film wants the audience to think, not lecture. Much like
Blade Runner there is a distance in the attachment of the film.
Prometheus is not here to cuddle the audience with answers but wants to give an idea to be developed on our own.
Prometheus contains the themes of creation and life while having the horror elements and setting of
Alien. However this film should not be thought of as a prequel to
Alien. Ridley Scott didn't set out to make an Alien movie but something new with familiar ideas.
Prometheus isn't without flaws though.
Blade Runner raised questions with its distance,
Prometheus tries this but through poorer writing comes off sloppier. Characters behave irrationally and in sometimes idiotic manners (a crushing situation comes to mind). The climax isn't all that thrilling either (not bad but not as involving as the first half of the film). Despite it's problems
Prometheus asks the audience to participate in the film. In an age of simple explosions and plots that could be understood without paying attention,
Prometheus looks to engage the audience. It has a stellar first hour and even the lackluster finale has its highlights. This might be the best looking digital film out there right now. There are scenes that could just take your breath away with shear beauty. To add to that the story makes such marvelous images interesting.
Prometheus isn't a classic by any means. It won't be remembered as a horror icon like
Alien or the deep sci-fi genre changing
Blade Runner. I say enjoy
Prometheus for what it is right now. One of the best and most original movies in a few summers.
***1/2 out of ****