Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Safe (**1/2 out of ****)

Jason Statham is back to killing people in ridiculous fashions and over the top ways. About time if you ask me. Here Statham plays a a man that has had everything taken from him by a Russian mob, he sees a girl being chased one day and the next you know Statham is thrusted into a guardian role as he is being chased by every gun wielding maniac who want this girl for reasons to be revealed. The plot is so simple it's boring. The over the top action is what makes up for it. There's some careful and great editing here that help makes each fight scene a bit more exciting then much of Statham's past work. One of these days Statham will find that action movie that combines great story telling a nod fun action, today is not that day. 
**1/2 out of ****

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