Saturday, April 13, 2013

To The Wonder (*** out of ****)

Terrence Malick films are one of much debate. Some would claim his films are pretentious and the lacking a narrative approach is boring. I fall on the side where the director creates rapturous and euphoric films. Some of the most stunning images, intriguing reflection ad pure love I've seen in Malick's career. To The Wonder is his first completely  contemporary film but not one of his better ones.

Neil (Ben Affleck) is in love with Marina (Olga Kurylenko). The two enjoy blissful emotions while in France. They one day visit Mont Saint-Michael, a monastery that stands high upon a beach in Normandy. The place represents the plateau of their love, but also sets the idea of isolation. Malick looks to find symbolism in the most basic of concepts and images. Marina and her daughter from a previous marriage move with Neil to Oklahoma where things become more difficult. The nature of the countryside creates a vastly different feel then France and Marina reacts to it. Neil in his troubles reconnects with a woman from his past Jane (Rachel McAdams). Javier Bardem also plays a priest with a shaken faith in the lord and love, but his story seems very disconnected from Neil and Marina.

I appreciate the way Malick works with actors. The unique way of using them as models to express emotion and story instead of just letting actors playing a role. Malick tells a sometimes beautiful and sometimes devestating love story here. However in his lack on narration, the director creates some confusion, which distracts from the attachment. Another aspect of Malick's style I marvel in is the way the director can take a simple story and tear apart its basics to create something unique. To The Wonder spoke to me, not as much as other Malick moves but still I will never not long for the next film in this wonderful director's career.

*** out of ****

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