Sunday, December 11, 2011

We Need To Talk About Kevin (**1/2 out of ****)

The year's most divided film has come through my life and has left as meteor shower might. It will give me some memories but never those that I think about as defining moments. More mere moments in time that passed through my life. Some people have watched this film and seen a masterpiece, the scariest film of the year, something horrifyingly true and a film to never watch again for the good reasons. Others like myself saw potential perhaps never reached. Then there are those who despised this film but that is far from my thoughts. I myself wanted more.

The film is about Kevin who is a high schooler that killed many of his classmates. He is sick, deranged, twisted and many other negative words that I personally can't think of right now. What the film wants us to decide if he was born evil or was made that way. His mother played ferociously by Tilda Swinton gives us reason to believe elements of both. This begins with jumping time frames between before and after the massacre. Swinton in the present is in her own hell and it can easily be felt by the audience. The confusion of time at the beginning was part of the films strength until about midway throughout he film just straight up tells of the leading up events. The film seems distant and soulless but not in the way it should be. Kevin may be a son of a bitch, but not one that will haunt our dreams. Well maybe for some because this film is the American Dream horror film that some have been craving. Once again to me I saw a film that didn't connect well. Swinton and big ideas (not all of which fulfilled) make this worth it in the end.

**1/2 out of ****

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