Monday, October 10, 2011

Flashbacks of a Fool (7/10)

I'll do this quick because for several personal reasons I shouldn't explain in a review I don't want to spend a lot of time here. The film stars a quite good Daniel Craig who is lonesome and fading actor. He's got cash but nothing at all to do with it. One day his mother calls and tells him that his childhood friend Boots (strange name I know) has died. Now here comes the flashbacks of his teenage years with Boots. Things go wrong when he gets involved with two women and his friendship with Boots will be tossed in the middle. I guess instead meeting a girl  your crazy over for a date on time You having sex with a married woman is a bad idea? Yea weird right? Daniel Craig's scenes are good due to a natural charm he brings. Olivia Williams and Felicity Jones make strong supporting roles. Who wouldn't fall for Felicity Jones. I liked it more than I thought I would so maybe that's why the rating is decently high. Either way... yea that's it.

Recommendation: If you like Daniel Craig.

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