Friday, April 22, 2011

Best Movie Trailers

Here is a list in my opinion of the ten best movie trailers. I didn't order them but those lower on the list I feel are bit better then the ones near the top. Then one fun one.

Best trailer for a bad movie: Max Payne
If I Was Your Vampire, Marky Mark, Olga Kurylenko loots of promise, awesome visuals, interesting plot and noir galore. I'd rather watch this trailer over and over then see the movie again.

Honorable Mentions For Best Trailers: Cloverfield, A Prophet  and Never Let Me Go
Dramatic change and a series of rising questions makes this one to remember.
A brilliant song and suspense makes it worthwhile. It's epic promise is easily fulfilled.
For fans of the book this will be perfect for you. However some great music and one particular devastating makes it something great to view.

Best Trailers:
The Shining
Creepy vibe and it doesn't give anything away, sign me up. This trailer creates more tension and raises more questions then any horror trailer you'll see now a days.

Eyes Wide Shut
A little awesome song, some sexual tension and a bit of mystery and you got something to get the average movie goers attention. Just throwing in the lat names makes things cooler. There is a extended version of this trailer, couldn't find it anywhere, I prefer that one but this one is still great.

Where The Wild Things Are
The trailer makes you feel like a kid again (in the theme of Arcade Fire "The Wasted Hours"). The trailer brings a smile to your face and is a delight.

The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
While it may not be original or innovative. Jesse James creates atmosphere and shows some highlights in this glorious film. I personally love every second of it.

Perfect Sense
A little poetry, some great chemistry and a lot of tension. I was blown away the first time I saw this and the feeling still remains.

The Watchmen trailer had my attention from second one and never lost it through out. Great music visuals and dialogue makes this a classic.

The Social Network
Creep was really the perfect song for this trailer, in the right mood this trailer is as exhilarating as it is heartbreaking. It is something joyous.

Garden State
Little perfect scenes, Frou Frou and just a pure indie feeling makes it fantastic. It doesn't try to hard but still looks brilliant. Something of infinite charm.

The Thin Red Line
In my opinion the best WWII movie also has one of the best trailers. It's so different then any other war movie and has great emotion to it's poetry. In the right mood the right real affects me. It sets up great for a perfect movie.

This is how you make a trailer! It doesn't ruin the story and takes the perfect time to set things up. It flows fantastically and is art in itself. It build suspense from the beginning and the vibe is so eery that is may send a shiver down your spine. It doesn't show the full alien and instead deals with the panic the crew feels. Imagine seeing that for the first time when it was released, before we know what the alien looked like or was. It's real the best out there. Bravo!

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