Cloud Atlas could be viewed as pretentious, strangely paced with at least three climaxs, three hours long, confusing and perhaps impossible to decipher every truth... and I loved every second of it. I anticipate eagerly my next viewing which isn't far off. This will not be an easy film. It will bruise, inspire, invoke thought and requires patience. Yet on the other end of the unimaginable tract is a something wondrous. A film like no other, one that will perhaps never been seen in such mannerism again.
Cloud Atlas is art in it's most striking form.
To describe a plot would be the journey of a mad man, yet here I sit and will try to do honor to this film the best way I can. What if in one film could be the tales of a sea faring notary, an inspiring composer, a journalist being chased by an assassin, a clone awakening to be a rebel prophet, a man ruining his life through simple acts, and a future filled with cannibal marauders? What if the actors played many roles crossing gender and race? What if they had a unique way of telling each story (action, comedy drama, mystery etc.)? what if every tale had a connection? What if the story ranged centuries? Are you following? It's ok otherwise, some of it must be seen to believe and what a sight it is to behold.
Cloud Atlas is beautiful in just about every sense of the word. There are scenes of illuminating love, dazzling chases, tense suspense deep philosophical thought, invigorating life and a myriad more of wondrous acts. It was euphoric to take in such events. Genres blended before my eyes like never before. It's indisputable that
Cloud Atlas is ambitious. However it is plausible to say it is an undertaking that can cause debate for years to come.
In the three hours, none of which I was bored through out, I knew I saw something different. A film that challenged the idea of being a film. The Wachoski siblings and Tom Tykwer have collaborated on a what seems to be an impossible work. A risk by the directors and actors (Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Ben Whishaw, Jim Sturgess, Jim Broadbent, Susan Sarandon, Hugh Grant and more) alike. Adapting Dave Mitchell's novel didn't seem like it could be done, but the three directors managed to compress the novel while keeping the theme and narratives alive. Those ideas being dreamlike qualities.
I feel awakened now. Like I've seen something important (paraphrasing quotes now). More than just a film but a work of art that enchanted me into a state a bliss.
Cloud Atlas will divide people, but an ambitious films always will. They are in no way wrong in their opinion for those who don't care for it, but they aren't exactly right either. This is a film that can create different opinions, all of which being correct. I came out of the theater in love.
Cloud Atlas is a siren song with reward like nothing else.
**** out of ****
(I chose a picture from Robert Frobisher's story since it was my favorite from the book, for the film I still haven't decided on a favorite segment, that will be deduced on a second viewing)